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Mission & Vision

The Importance of Awareness : Why Everyone Needs to Know

Our Mission at Aware Everyone Foundation is to make everyone one aware in all terms so that we bring actual change for people who are in real need. Though the path of aware everyone is very long and crackles but we must find a way to nurture the equality.

We want to make sure that everyone knows about the importance of awareness.

We want people to know that we are committed to bringing equality and uniformity among all. We want people to know that we are doing our best to change the world for the better.

We want people to know that we are making a difference in the world and it is up to them to help us .

“”The death of our community The loss of our life The taking away of our futures it not worth fighting for?”

The song talks about the people suffering from the consequence of captivity. The loss of life, and future is not worth fighting for. “It’s time to end this fight It’s time to turn the tide It’s time to end this fight It’s time to turn the tide.”


We all have a responsibility to make this earth more realistic by the means of awareness. By becoming more aware of our surroundings, we can begin to see the world in a more accurate way. By understanding the different types of weather, we can better plan our days and avoid dangerous weather conditions. By becoming more aware of our own thoughts and feelings, we can begin to change the way we interact with the world. By using our awareness to make a difference, we can make this earth a place where everyone can live in peace and harmony.