Zero Bonded Labour Program

Aware Everyone Foundation that will help protect workers from being taken advantage of by their employers. The program will provide financial, Mental, Social, Legal assistance to workers who have been promised a job in India but are then forced to work for little or no pay. The program will also help educate workers about their rights and how to spot the signs of abuse. If you are a worker who has been promised a job in India, make sure to read up on the Zero Bonded Labour Program so that you can be protected from exploitation.

Who is Bonded Labour

Bonded labour, also known as debt bondage or involuntary servitude, is a form of modern slavery in which a person is forced to work in order to pay off a debt. The debt may be the result of a loan taken out by the person or their family, or it may be the result of an advance paid by an employer. In either case, the person is not free to leave the job until the debt is paid off.

Bonded labour is most common in developing countries, where poverty and lack of jobs make it difficult for people to earn a living. It is also prevalent in countries with weak labour laws and enforcement mechanisms. India has the largest number of bonded labourers in the world, followed by Pakistan and Nepal.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that there are around 20 million bonded labourers worldwide. Most are employed in agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining and quarrying. Others work in brick kilns, textile factories, carpet-making units and construction sites. Women and girls are often forced into domestic servitude or sex work.

Bonded labour violates fundamental human rights and is condemned by international law. The ILO’s Convention on Forced Labour (C029) prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labour. Bonded labour is also specifically prohibited under India’s constitution and punishable by law. Despite this, bonded labour continues to exist in many parts of the world due to poverty, weak governance and

What is Freedom

The idea of freedom is one that is often used in the India. It is a word that has been used to describe what this country stands for and what it should stand for. Freedom is the idea that people have rights, liberties, and immunities. It means they are not subject to interference from other people or other entities. Freedom can also mean being able to do things without any restrictions or limitations.

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